Unique combination of NFT art.

Virtual and real version of an oil painting on canvas. A unique combination of NFT art.

Unique Combination of Traditional Art and NFT

The world of art has long been evolving, adapting to new technologies and trends. One of the latest developments is the fusion of traditional art with blockchain technology. This innovative combination is facilitated through non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The past and the future converge in a project. It is focused on a unique digital artwork consisting of a staggering 10,927 parts.

Virtual and Real Version

The project, named “Virtual-Real Woman,” represents a unique blend of NFT art, virtual, and real elements. Each of the 10,927 parts of the artwork constitutes a unique NFT token. This means that they are stored on the blockchain, ensuring security and authenticity. It also means that the NFT journey, from the first owner to each subsequent owner of a piece of the artwork along with its price, is publicly accessible on the blockchain ledger.

Game for the Grand Prize

To win the grand prize, participants must discover all parts of the artwork. And one wallet must hold all 10,927 NFTs in a single portfolio. The person who achieves this goal will not only become the owner of a unique digital artwork. But will also receive a special reward. The minimum value of this reward is an impressive sum of 22,533 ETH. But this minimum can be achieved only if one user were to buy all 10,927 NFTs at once on the primary market, which is already impossible.

Since 30 pieces have already been sold. The amount of the grand prize will increase with each transaction on the secondary market. By 2.5% of the transaction value. Imagine the volume of trade and the amounts that will come into play. Each of them will contribute 2.5% commission to the grand prize contract! Quite something, isn’t it?

Intermediate prizes in 19 sessions

The smart contract is designed to pay out intermediate prizes in each session. We have a total of 19 sessions, and each session has a specified number of tokens.

The smart contract is designed to distribute intermediate prizes in each session.

Nr sesjinagrodailość statusilość VIP VIP
#10.001 ETH1PAID Etherscan0No reward
#20.02 ETH1PAID Etherscan0No reward
#30.04 ETH1PAID Etherscan0No reward
#40.1 ETH1PAID Etherscan1 PAID 0.0191 ETH
#50.2 ETH1PAID Etherscan1PAID 0.0250 ETH
#60.4 ETH1PAID Etherscan1PAID 0.309 ETH
#70.786 ETH 1Sesja PENDING1PAID 0.0393 ETH
#81.1618 ETH1Session not started10,0809 ETH
#92.180 ETH1Session not started10.1090 ETH
#102.360 ETH1Session not started10.1180 ETH
#113.820 ETH2Session not started20.382 ETH
#125.00 ETH3Session not started30.75 ETH
#136.180 ETH5Session not started51.545 ETH
#147.860 ETH8Session not started83.144 ETH
#1516.180 ETH13Session not started1310.517 ETH
#1626.180 ETH21Session not started2127.489 ETH
#1636.180 ETH34Session not started3461.506 ETH
#1842.360 ETH55Session not started55116.49 ETH
#1968.723 ETH89Session not started89305.81735 ETH

Selling 10,927 NFTs in Sessions

So, there are 19 sessions, and each session has a specified number of tokens available for purchase. When the last token in a session is bought. The smart contract randomly selects a reward for a specified number of wallets in that session. For example, in sessions 0 to 9, one reward is planned for each session. However, from session 10 onwards, the number of rewards will increase according to the Fibonacci sequence. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181.

Each session also has a different token price, increasing according to the Fibonacci sequence. 0.001 ETH, 0.001 ETH, 0.0236 ETH, 0.0382 ETH, 0.05 ETH, 0.0618 ETH, 0.0786 ETH, 0.1618 ETH, 0.218 ETH, 0.236 ETH, 0.382 ETH, 0.5 ETH, 0.618 ETH, 0.786 ETH, 1.618 ETH, 2.618 ETH, 3.618 ETH, 4.236 ETH, 6.8723 ETH.

Available for purchase, when the last token in a session is bought, the smart contract randomly selects rewards for a specified number of wallets in that session. For example, in sessions 0 to 10, the smart contract sends one reward each. However, from session 11 onwards, the number of rewards will increase according to the Fibonacci sequence: 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89.


Below are links to documentation for individual elements:

  1. Rewards in 19 sessions / 240 rewards
  2. VIP Rewards – 50% of the token price in the session
  3. Hodler Rewards – paid out over 89 years
  4. Collector Rewards – paid for a specified amount of accumulated NFTs

Transaction Fee on the Secondary Market

The process of trading tokens on the secondary market involves a 2.5% commission on each transaction. The commission is transferred to the rewards contract, continually increasing the value of the reward.

Tracking Rewards in Real Time

We display the value of the reward in real-time at the top of the project’s website, along with a projection of purchased NFTs. This innovative presentation combines virtual reality with a traditional art space. Currently, in the rewards wallet, there is 0.87288845 ETH. A portion of this amount is earmarked for the reward in the ongoing session #7. The amount of 0.2289 ETH is set aside for the grand prize.

Tracking Rewards in Real Time NFT

Grand Prize

We will automatically transfer the grand prize to the wallet holding 10,927 NFTs, completing the entire artwork, through a smart contract. The owner possessing all 10,927 tokens will receive an automatic transfer of 22,533 NFTs + a 25% fee from the entire trading activity on the secondary market. Additionally, the owner of this wallet will receive an original painting with dimensions of 1500 x 3000 mm, painted on canvas.

Image Technology

A ninety-seven-layer image with a massive resolution of 111,500 px by 58,408 px, equivalent to 6.512 GPx. Subjected to digitization and digital processing. And this technology, inspired, among others, by Google EARTH. Allows precise zooming in and viewing of each purchased token with impressive detail. It is created using the same algorithm (currently available as OpenSource). Stolen in the 90s by Google EARTH from the German company that originally created it – an intriguing film based on true events.


“Virtual and Real Version” is a project that blends the heritage of art with modern technologies. The unique experience of NFT art opens new possibilities for both collectors and artists. Offering a dynamic intersection of creativity and technology. Witness the fusion of traditional art with the modern era, shaping a cultural narrative through the combination of NFT art.

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