The Art of Token Burning

Art token burned

Impact on ART Token’s Future Price and Benefits for Holders

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the term “token burning” has been gaining significant attention, and it’s no different for the ART token. Token burning involves sending a certain number of tokens from the total supply to an inaccessible wallet. Often referred to as a ‘dead wallet.’ In the case of ART, this is done by sending tokens to the wallet address 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead. This process has far-reaching implications. For both the ART token’s future price and its holders. As well as those who have invested in NFTs on our platform.

What is Token Burning?

Token burning is a deliberate reduction of the total supply of a cryptocurrency. This reduction is achieved by permanently removing a specific number of tokens. This practice has several key objectives, including controlling inflation, increasing scarcity, and boosting the token’s value. For the ART token, token burning has been executed effectively, with over 6,000,000 tokens already sent to the dead wallet. This is part of our commitment to maintaining a healthy ecosystem for our community and contributors.

Impact on ART Token’s Future Price

Token burning has a direct impact on the price of ART tokens. As the total supply decreases, the tokens become scarcer, potentially driving up demand. When demand outstrips supply, basic economic principles dictate that the price should increase. Therefore, by systematically reducing the token supply through burning, we aim to create a deflationary environment that may lead to higher ART token values in the future.

Three major benefits for ART token holders stemming from token burning are:

  1. Increased Scarcity: As the number of ART tokens in circulation dwindles due to regular burning, existing holders stand to benefit from the increasing rarity of their holdings. Scarcity can stimulate higher demand, which, in turn, can potentially drive up the token’s price.
  2. Value Appreciation: The reduced supply caused by token burning often results in appreciation of the token’s value. This can translate into substantial gains for long-term ART holders who continue to believe in the project’s potential.
  3. Ecosystem Health: A controlled reduction of the token supply contributes to the overall health of the ART ecosystem. It minimizes the risk of hyperinflation and maintains a stable and sustainable environment for participants.

Benefits for NFT Holders

The effects of token burning extend beyond ART token holders. NFT (Non-Fungible Token) holders who have purchased digital art and collectibles on our platform will also experience several advantages:

  1. Increased Value: Just like ART tokens, the scarcity driven by token burning can raise the value of NFTs on our platform.
  2. As the ART ecosystem grows stronger, the digital art and collectibles offered on our platform may become more valuable over time.
  3. Greater Demand: The increased value of ART tokens and NFTs can attract more users and collectors to our platform, enhancing the overall demand for NFTs. This influx of users can create a thriving marketplace for NFTs, increasing the exposure and potential sales for NFT holders.
  4. Long-Term Sustainability: The practice of token burning demonstrates our commitment to maintaining a sustainable and flourishing ecosystem. As a result, NFT holders can have confidence in the long-term viability and growth of their investments.

To calculate the percentage increase in the price of the ART token. As a result of burning 6,000,070 ART tokens from a pool of 2,500,000,000 ART tokens, we will use the following formula:

Percentage Increase=Number of Burned TokensTotal Token Pool×100Percentage Increase=Total Token PoolNumber of Burned Tokens​×100

Substituting the values:

Percentage Increase=6,000,0702,500,000,000×100≈0.00024%Percentage Increase=2,500,000,0006,000,070​×100≈0.00024%

The price of the ART token is expected to increase by about 0.00024% due to the burning of 6,000,070 tokens. It’s worth noting that this is a relatively small price impact. However, the cumulative effect of regular token burning can lead to significant price appreciation over time. Provided that other market dynamics and factors remain favorable.eciation over time, provided that other market dynamics and factors remain favorable.


Burning tokens is a strategic move. Aimed at increasing the value and durability of the ART and NFT token on our platform. Systematically reducing the supply of tokens. Our goal is to create an environment where ART token holders and NFT investors. Can benefit from scarcity, value appreciation and a thriving ecosystem. As we continue to burn tokens and manage art trade revenues. We remain committed to the growth and success of our community and the broader ART ecosystem.cosystem.


Investing in cryptocurrencies and NFTs carries inherent risks. It’s essential to do your research and consider your financial situation before making any investment decisions.

Svietka NFT oil Painting


Svietka The Art and Math Behind a Collectible Masterpiece”

In today’s blog post, I would like to share with you the extraordinary story of an artwork titled “Svietka.” It’s more than just a painting; it’s also a fascinating mathematical experiment that combines traditional oil painting with the modern world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Let’s explore the mathematical aspects of this remarkable tale.

Price and Rewards

The artist priced “Svietka NFT oil Painting” at a whopping 1,000,000 ART, where 1 ART is worth $0.0052. Initially, this may seem like a relatively low price, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Why? Because the artist added a 1000% bonus to the price, increasing the total prize pool to 11,000,000 ART.

For the first collector who purchases one NFT token, a 50% reward is expected, which amounts to 2,364,532 ART. What makes this special is that the price of the second NFT is 3% higher compared to the first.

Purchase Costs

The first token costs 5,418,719 ART, while the second one costs 5,581,280 ART. If we were to think only about the purchase costs, it might seem like the second token is slightly more expensive. However, this is just the beginning of the story.

Actual Expenditure:

To find out how much the actual purchase of both tokens for the winning collector will be, we need to consider both the purchase costs and the rewards. After acquiring both tokens, the winner receives a 50% reward, which amounts to 2,364,532 ART, as well as an additional reward of 7,635,467 ART for owning both tokens.

In the end, the actual cost of purchasing both tokens, taking these rewards into account, is only 659,172.5 ART.

Considerations Regarding Two Collectors

The situation in which two collectors each bought Svietka NFT oil Painting one NFT token from the work “Svietka” is also interesting and opens up many scenarios. Here are a few possible considerations:

  1. Competition for the Second Token: Both collectors acquired tokens when the price of the first was lower and the second was slightly more expensive. Now, both may compete to purchase the second token to obtain the complete artwork. This might lead to an increase in the price of the second token, as both understand that only one of them can win the reward for owning both tokens.
  2. Increased Value of the Artwork: If both collectors hold onto their tokens, the entire artwork becomes more valuable as there are fewer tokens available on the market. This could attract other collectors who want to join the game, increasing the value of each existing token.
  3. Collector vs. Collector Rivalry: There is a possibility that both collectors might try to strike a deal or agreement to purchase one from the other. This opens another layer of negotiations that could influence the price and value of both tokens.
  4. The Ultimate Showdown: If both collectors acquire both tokens, they may compete for the substantial reward for owning the entire artwork. This competition might draw the attention of other collectors and make “Svietka” even more desirable and valuable in the market.

These scenarios show that the NFT collector market is full of unexpected twists and turns. For collectors acquiring these unique works, there are many opportunities for exciting gameplay and art investment, where both mathematics and a passion for art influence the final outcome.

Introduction to the ART World of NFT Blockchain

Hand in Hand Towards the Future. Art & NFT blockchain

First Steps in uni.Decentral-Art

NFT Blockchain – In today’s world, where technology intertwines with every aspect of our lives, new platforms and initiatives emerge that revolutionize traditional sectors. One such combination is uniDecentralArt – a place where art meets blockchain technology. If you’re new to this area, this article is for you!

Connecting the Wallet – Your Entry Ticket

The first step on the path to understanding uniDecentralArt is connecting your digital wallet. And this simple action not only authorizes you to make transactions but also opens the doors to a fascinating community of enthusiasts.

Art Meets Blockchain: The NFT Evolution

Gather all 4 NFTs of “Let’s be both” in one wallet and not only own the full digital piece but also earn a minimum of 2,971,004 ART ($15,449 at current rate). Plus, receive the original oil painting itself!

The uniDecentralArt Community. More Than Just a Platform

After connecting your wallet, you’ll initially encounter a diverse set of uniDecentralArt users. Firstly, there are artists and creators. Additionally, there are enthusiasts. Lastly, you’ll come across art dealers and investors. investors. It’s a community that wants to share its passion and knowledge about both art and Non-fungible Token technology.

Meeting the Technology: NFT Blockchain

Understanding the blockchain technology and its application in the context of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) is key to fully appreciating the possibilities of uni.Decentral-Art. It’s a merging of “distant worlds” that over time become inseparable, creating a unique space for artists and investors.

Art and Technology: Two Worlds, One Passion

Thanks to uniDecentralArt, these two seemingly different areas – art and technology – are closer than ever before. It’s a place where the traditional concept of art is broken down by the innovative technological capabilities.

The Potential of NFT Blockchain in the Art World

The intersection of NFT and blockchain within the realms of art isn’t just a fleeting trend; it’s a transformative movement. Traditional art has always been a tangible asset. With the rise of NFTs, a new digital dimension emerges. This digital shift ensures artists receive fair compensation. Transactions are made secure and transparent. The fusion of art and NFTs benefits aficionados too. They can authenticate and trade their collections effortlessly. Virtual galleries become the new norm for showcasing art. This evolution represents a groundbreaking chapter in art preservation. Moreover, accessibility reaches new heights. The NFT blockchain isn’t just another medium. It’s reshaping art’s boundaries and values in the digital age.


Upon entering the world of uniDecentralArt, you immediately open up to boundless opportunities. Specifically, you can combine a passion for art with the groundbreaking innovation of blockchain It’s a journey full of inspiration, knowledge, and incredible experiences. Are you ready to dive into this fascinating world?

Keywords: uniDecentralArt, NFT, blockchain, art, technology, digital wallet, community, investors, art dealers, artist.

NFT – A Revolution in the World of Tradition and Technology

Saturday, October 7, 2023, 18:30

A Day of Emotions and Discoveries

Another thrilling day at the fair has come to a close. Despite our physical exhaustion, our emotional energy is at its peak! Starting at 11:00 AM, we kick off another round of discussions with gallery representatives and artists.

The Timeless Institution of Art

When we speak of the traditional world of art, we envision an institution anchored in centuries of tradition – steadfast and unyielding. Yet today, we witness how modernity not only “knocks” but vehemently “bashes” on the doors of this timeless institution. And surprisingly, it often meets indifference or resistance.

The Divide between Tradition and Modernity

When we broach the topic of NFTs and innovation in art, we frequently hear, “This isn’t for us.” But why? Is it that technology doesn’t understand art, or perhaps art doesn’t understand technology? Are we speaking different languages? Isn’t art supposed to be an open door? Yet, it seems it’s not.

The Beacon of Hope Modern Artists

Fortunately, we also meet artists open to innovation, ready to cross the boundaries of tradition. Such individuals fill us with optimism and hope for the future.

We don’t stop; we don’t pay heed to obstacles. We move forward, confident that our direction is beneficial for the evolution of art. Now, we only wait for the rest of the world to grasp this and join us. The artistic aura of these places is tinged with curiosity but also a certain skepticism towards novelty.

Bridging Two Worlds The Role of Technology in Art

It’s undeniable that the technological breakthrough – blockchain and NFTs – affects every facet of our lives. In art, a realm considered for centuries as an unchanged bastion of tradition, introducing modernity seems exceptionally challenging. It’s a clash of two worlds, one honoring traditions and another pushing towards the future.

The Evolution Artists and Curators Adapting

Observing artists and curators, we notice a pattern. Those embracing technology don’t lose their traditional art approach but expand its horizons. They use technology as a tool for exploration, discovery, and conveying their visions in fresh ways.

The Need for Education A New Era of Artistry

Throughout our fair discussions, we perceived a demand for tech education within the art context. Many traditional artists seem lost facing new tools and possibilities. Herein lies our mission – to build bridges between the old and new eras, aiding in comprehension and adaptation.

Fair Highlights A Blend of Old and New

So, with full optimism, we step into the afternoon segment of the fair, geared up for more discussions, experience exchanges, and foremost, promoting the NFT idea that modernity and tradition can coexist, crafting something truly unique.

The day at the fair brought a gamut of emotions – euphoria from fruitful discussions, hope for new opportunities, and a hint of regret that this festival of art innovation and tradition is so fleeting.

Our Commitment to the Art World

In this context, our mission became even more paramount. We discovered many artists eager to delve into new technologies. The challenge is their lack of access to the right knowledge and understanding of its integration into their creative process.

Looking Ahead Bridging Gaps and Building Futures

As the day concluded, we felt profound gratitude. It was a day packed with inspiration, learning, and the merging of two seemingly distant worlds. One thing’s for sure – whether you’re a traditionalist, innovator, or somewhere in between, hubs for art enthusiasts like Fair For Art in Vienna, and platforms like uni.Decentral-Art will always welcome you.

Meeting at the Kunstmesse Fair – The World of Traditional Art in the Realm of Modern NFT. / Hans Staudacher NFT

Hans Staudacher NFT. Is coming NOW

Art Lovers’ Gathering Point

Hans Staudacher NFT. At this year’s Kunstmesse fair, we had the privilege to engage with a representative from the prestigious AIC gallery. Every year, this event attracts art aficionados from all over, showcasing both timeless masterpieces and contemporary approaches to artistry. Our intriguing conversation with the AIC gallery shed light especially on the contributions of Hans Staudacher.

Hans Staudacher, The Luminary of Austrian Art

Born on January 14, 1923, in St. Urban am Ossiacher See, Carinthia, Hans Staudacher stands as a monumental figure in Austrian artistry. Earning accolades throughout his career, Staudacher’s works, synonymous with Tachisme and action painting, carved a distinct niche in the Austrian art landscape. Notably, he’s revered as the vanguard of the Informel movement in Austria. A Glimpse into the Artist’s Journey

From his earliest days in St. Urban am Ossiacher See, Staudacher’s fervor for expressive art was evident. Despite departing secondary school without formal art education, Vienna quickly recognized his flair, leading him to join the Vienna Secession. A transformative trip to Paris in 1954 introduced him to Informel, championed by Georges Mathieu. From thereon, Staudacher embraced abstract expression, with spontaneous calligraphy becoming his signature style. Globally exhibited, his works grace esteemed museums and private collections alike. His indelible mark on art was further cemented with exhibitions in venues like Venice and Sao Paolo. The art world mourned his loss in January 2021.

Hans Staudacher: From Childhood Enthusiasm to Global Renown. We’re proud to feature two of his pieces as digitized NFTs. Witness the blend of tradition with digital modernity. Unraveling Staudacher’s Brilliance

Our discussion unveiled many facets of Staudacher. We explored his approach to his craft, contemplated the wellsprings of his inspiration, and pondered his influence on Austrian art’s trajectory. The AIC gallery’s spokesperson highlighted a salient point: while many associate Staudacher with tradition, he was a disruptor in his times.

Tradition Amidst Modernity

In conclusion, our encounter at the Kunstmesse fair was enlightening. It allowed us to delve into Hans Staudacher’s world and comprehend how age-old artistry can harmonize with contemporary trends. Today, the boundaries between classical and modern blur more than ever, a phenomenon worth cherishing.

Meeting of Two Worlds

Meetings with artists - the beginning of meetings. Decentral-Art

Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art

Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art. We are embarking on a new series of meetings with artists and gallery owners. We delve deep into a universe filled with captivating exchanges of thoughts, experiences, and inspirations. In this realm, two distinct art worlds have come together. One is calm and traditional, rooted in physical reality. The other is digital, unpredictable, and ever-evolving.

The Timeless Charm of Traditional Art Galleries

Traditional Gallery vs. NFT Art Artists meeting with uni.decentral-Art Joanina Glaich, Markus Prechensky

On one side, we have gallery meetings. Here, amidst the warmth of coffee or the sound of clinking wine glasses, artists and enthusiasts connect. They engage in conversations while surrounded by art. These works have taken shape over years, sometimes decades. They come from studios filled with the scent of wood, paint, and dust. These pieces, framed and presented at exhibitions, sometimes change hands at elegant auctions, being perceived as valuable investments.

The Digital Revolution The Rise of NFT Art / Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art

On the other hand, we have NFT art, which is innovative, dynamic, and a response to the technological demands of the modern world. Additionally, these works move at the speed of light, effortlessly jumping continents in a fraction of a second. Furthermore, the process of creating, buying, and even exchanging these pieces takes place in a digital realm, and more often than not, at a breakneck pace.

Artists meeting with uni.decentral-Art Gunter Brus, Georg Eisler. Traditional Gallery vs. NFT Art

Common Ground. The Unified Passion for Art

These two realms – traditional and digital – though seemingly distant at first glance, are united by one thing: a love for art. Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art, Both worlds are driven by passion, creativity, and the desire to share their vision with others.

Bridging the Gap: Merging Tradition with Modernity

In our meetings, we strive to build bridges between these two universes. We aim to show that, despite their differences, they can coexist. Both worlds can enrich one another. After all, art has always mirrored its times. Today, we live in an era where tradition and innovation intersect at every turn.

$ART Liquidity Surges 450% Amid NFT Art Boom

World Art boom NFT

Liquidity of the $ART Token Increases by 450% on the Platform

Amid NFT Art Boom! Recent days have brought significant changes to the digital NFT art market. In particular, the platform has shown a tremendous increase in interest in this innovative form of art investment. Liquidity of the $ART token surged by 450%. This proves investors and collectors see the potential of this digital currency.

Record art trading

Undeniable evidence of the growing interest in digitized NFT art is that trade on the platform reached a value of $450,000 in just a few days. This means that a staggering 88,235,000 ART flowed through it. Trade on the platform reached $450,000 in a few days. This equates to a staggering 88,235,000 ART flowing through it. Observers familiar with the NFT market understand that digital art is more than just a trend; it’s a stable investment.

Why is digital NFT art drawing attention?

Digital NFT artworks attract not only collectors but also investors looking for alternative forms of capital allocation. Digital art offers several benefits:

  1. Uniqueness – Each NFT piece is unique, ensuring that the investment cannot be counterfeited or copied.
  2. Transaction simplicity – Thanks to blockchain technology, purchasing, selling, or exchanging artworks becomes fast and transparent.
  3. Accessibility – NFT art is available to anyone, regardless of location, opening the market to a global audience.

Future of the NFT market and $ART

The liquidity of the $ART token surged by 450% quickly. This shows the digital NFT art market’s strength. More people recognize the investment potential in these unique works. The platform is a key trading hub for them. Amid NFT Art Boom!

Dive into to explore the forefront of digital art innovation and investment opportunities.:

This is also a signal for artists and creators that the digital future of art is already here and that they should consider transforming their traditional works into unique NFT tokens.

n conclusion, the digitized NFT art market is full of opportunities. The growth in the liquidity of the $ART token confirms that we are witnessing a revolution in the world of art and investment.

Digital Art collection / Dive into the World of Decentralized Art

Oil painting of a woman sitting and deep in thought

Dive into the World of Decentralized Art Investment with Uni-Decentral-Art

Welcome to the future of art investment, where modern solutions meet timeless passion. Uni-Decentral-Art is proud to introduce a game-changing platform tailored specifically for art investors and enthusiasts. This is where you buy and sell art online with ease.

Why Choose Uni-Decentral-Art?

Our mission is simple – to provide an accessible and streamlined platform where buying and selling art online is seamless. Dive in, sign the message, log in, and you’re ready to immerse yourself in our digital art collection.

Understanding the ART Token

The ART token isn’t just a digital currency—it’s the cornerstone of our platform. It powers every transaction, making buying and selling art online a breeze. Checking your balance? Your MATIC wallet currently stands at 0 ART. If that’s low, we’re here to guide you in acquiring more tokens.

Oil painting of a woman drifting into space, deep in thought.

Art Investment Redefined / digital art collection

Technology has democratized the luxury of art. Those seemingly unattainable pieces of the past? Now part of our digital art collection, they’re within your grasp. And with Uni-Decentral-Art, you can purchase entire artworks or fragments and later, sell them for potential profits.

Though our sales currently read 143 231 922 ART and 806776 USD, (10.2023 / 1 ART = $0.0051)this is just our prologue. As a cherished member, rewards await. Built on the robust Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, our avant-garde reward system ensures that you get your earnings securely and on time.

Exploring Our Digital Art Collection

Beyond our primary market, there’s a secondary one brimming with masterpieces from blue-chip artists. Investing in these pieces guarantees both aesthetic pleasure and potential liquidity. And it’s all available in our digital art collection.

Artists get flexibility in listings. They can opt to sell entire artworks or in parts, with incentives for collectors. By trading, you’re not just acquiring art; you’re championing an artist’s dream.

Your Canvas Awaits / digital art collection

Artists and investors alike, we beckon you to contribute. List, curate, dissect, and see the rewards roll in. Explore further by clicking on any artwork, and if you’re curious about the mechanics behind, remember it’s all powered by the ART token.

A New Era of Art Investment

At Uni-Decentral-Art, art isn’t just to be admired—it’s to be invested in. Marrying traditional art appreciation with cutting-edge technology, we redefine art investment. Join us, where your passion meets reward.

I have now incorporated the phrases buy and sell art online, Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, digital art collection, and ART token multiple times throughout the article as requested.