Be Careful with Your VISA, MASTERCARD, or Other Electronic Payment Cards!

Introduction / Card Scanning VISA MASTERCARD

The theft of payment card information has become one of the most common and growing problems related to cybersecurity. But have you ever wondered how thieves test stolen card data before deciding to use it for large, unauthorized transactions? The answer lies in techniques that are relatively unknown but very effective: testing cards through authorizations and small payments. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself against such threats.

How Card Testing Works


Card thieves use the authorization process to check if card data is valid. Authorizations are small, sometimes even unrecorded transactions, most often canceled after a few days. In practice, these authorizations are usually not visible on bank statements, making them hard to detect.


Another way to test a card is by making small payments on various websites. Donation sites or companies facilitating small-value purchases are ideal targets for card testers. If the transactions go through, the thieves can be sure that they can make larger purchases without getting caught.

Why You Should Pay Attention to Small Transactions

Card Scanning VISA MASTERCARD these are usually small transactions, especially those between $1 and $5, are often ignored by cardholders, making them an ideal target for thieves. If you notice any unknown transactions, even the smallest ones, always report them to your bank. This could be a signal that someone is attempting to test your card before making larger, unauthorized transactions on it.

What to Do If You Suspect Your Card is Being Tested?

  • Immediately Contact Your Bank: The faster you react, the lower the risk of larger theft.
  • Monitor Your Account: Regularly checking statements and account activity is key.
  • Change PIN and Passwords: Ensure your data is secure by changing all PIN codes and account passwords.
  • Activate SMS or Email Notifications: Many banks offer notification services for every transaction made on your account.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication: This is an additional layer of security that can significantly increase the safety of your account.

Advanced Security Measures on the Decentral-Art Platform

In response to the growing issue of unauthorized card tests and payments, the Decentral-Art platform has taken concrete steps to ensure transaction security for its users. We recently introduced 3D Secure technology, which is currently one of the most effective mechanisms for securing FIAT payments for ART tokens. While 3D Secure significantly elevates the level of security, it’s important to remember that no security measure offers 100% protection. That’s why we continue to encourage caution and activity monitoring on your accounts. Thanks to the security measures we’ve implemented, we’ve been able to block as many as 99.4% of unauthorized payments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our actions. But remember: security is also your responsibility.


Testing cards through small authorizations and transactions is one of the more devious ways that thieves prepare for larger thefts. That’s why it’s so important to stay vigilant and always report even the smallest, unknown transactions. Forewarned is forearmed – it’s better to prevent than to cure.

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