Meeting of Two Worlds

Meetings with artists - the beginning of meetings. Decentral-Art

Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art

Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art. We are embarking on a new series of meetings with artists and gallery owners. We delve deep into a universe filled with captivating exchanges of thoughts, experiences, and inspirations. In this realm, two distinct art worlds have come together. One is calm and traditional, rooted in physical reality. The other is digital, unpredictable, and ever-evolving.

The Timeless Charm of Traditional Art Galleries

Traditional Gallery vs. NFT Art Artists meeting with uni.decentral-Art Joanina Glaich, Markus Prechensky

On one side, we have gallery meetings. Here, amidst the warmth of coffee or the sound of clinking wine glasses, artists and enthusiasts connect. They engage in conversations while surrounded by art. These works have taken shape over years, sometimes decades. They come from studios filled with the scent of wood, paint, and dust. These pieces, framed and presented at exhibitions, sometimes change hands at elegant auctions, being perceived as valuable investments.

The Digital Revolution The Rise of NFT Art / Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art

On the other hand, we have NFT art, which is innovative, dynamic, and a response to the technological demands of the modern world. Additionally, these works move at the speed of light, effortlessly jumping continents in a fraction of a second. Furthermore, the process of creating, buying, and even exchanging these pieces takes place in a digital realm, and more often than not, at a breakneck pace.

Artists meeting with uni.decentral-Art Gunter Brus, Georg Eisler. Traditional Gallery vs. NFT Art

Common Ground. The Unified Passion for Art

These two realms – traditional and digital – though seemingly distant at first glance, are united by one thing: a love for art. Traditional Gallery vs NFT Art, Both worlds are driven by passion, creativity, and the desire to share their vision with others.

Bridging the Gap: Merging Tradition with Modernity

In our meetings, we strive to build bridges between these two universes. We aim to show that, despite their differences, they can coexist. Both worlds can enrich one another. After all, art has always mirrored its times. Today, we live in an era where tradition and innovation intersect at every turn.

Digital Art collection / Dive into the World of Decentralized Art

Oil painting of a woman sitting and deep in thought

Dive into the World of Decentralized Art Investment with Uni-Decentral-Art

Welcome to the future of art investment, where modern solutions meet timeless passion. Uni-Decentral-Art is proud to introduce a game-changing platform tailored specifically for art investors and enthusiasts. This is where you buy and sell art online with ease.

Why Choose Uni-Decentral-Art?

Our mission is simple – to provide an accessible and streamlined platform where buying and selling art online is seamless. Dive in, sign the message, log in, and you’re ready to immerse yourself in our digital art collection.

Understanding the ART Token

The ART token isn’t just a digital currency—it’s the cornerstone of our platform. It powers every transaction, making buying and selling art online a breeze. Checking your balance? Your MATIC wallet currently stands at 0 ART. If that’s low, we’re here to guide you in acquiring more tokens.

Oil painting of a woman drifting into space, deep in thought.

Art Investment Redefined / digital art collection

Technology has democratized the luxury of art. Those seemingly unattainable pieces of the past? Now part of our digital art collection, they’re within your grasp. And with Uni-Decentral-Art, you can purchase entire artworks or fragments and later, sell them for potential profits.

Though our sales currently read 143 231 922 ART and 806776 USD, (10.2023 / 1 ART = $0.0051)this is just our prologue. As a cherished member, rewards await. Built on the robust Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, our avant-garde reward system ensures that you get your earnings securely and on time.

Exploring Our Digital Art Collection

Beyond our primary market, there’s a secondary one brimming with masterpieces from blue-chip artists. Investing in these pieces guarantees both aesthetic pleasure and potential liquidity. And it’s all available in our digital art collection.

Artists get flexibility in listings. They can opt to sell entire artworks or in parts, with incentives for collectors. By trading, you’re not just acquiring art; you’re championing an artist’s dream.

Your Canvas Awaits / digital art collection

Artists and investors alike, we beckon you to contribute. List, curate, dissect, and see the rewards roll in. Explore further by clicking on any artwork, and if you’re curious about the mechanics behind, remember it’s all powered by the ART token.

A New Era of Art Investment

At Uni-Decentral-Art, art isn’t just to be admired—it’s to be invested in. Marrying traditional art appreciation with cutting-edge technology, we redefine art investment. Join us, where your passion meets reward.

I have now incorporated the phrases buy and sell art online, Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, digital art collection, and ART token multiple times throughout the article as requested.

Real World Assets or Real World Art?

RWA Real World Assers

The Future of Investing in the Digital World

In the era of digitization, where the boundaries between virtual and physical reality are blurring, the term “Real World Assets” (RWA) is taking on new significance. But have you ever considered that alongside real estate, crops, or collections, there might exist something like “Real World Art”? Both of these concepts undoubtedly open new horizons for investors, but they do so in different ways. Why are they important, and what distinguishes them?

What Are Real World Assets (RWA)?

Real World Assets are tangible assets that can be tokenized, meaning they can be converted into digital tokens representing a share of ownership in a given asset. Thanks to blockchain technology and smart contracts, RWAs become more accessible for investors. You can invest in real estate, a company, agricultural crops, or even rare collections. Smart contracts manage the investment and automatically transfer profits to investors’ digital wallets.

Real World Art – The New Wave in Art

Just like RWA, Real World Art involves tokenizing pieces of art. Platforms like allow you to “slice” a piece of art into fragments, which are then sold as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). An investor can become an owner of, for example, 1 out of 10,000 pieces of a painting. Additionally, investors have a chance to win rewards for participating in primary market purchases.

Exploring a New Horizon for Artists and Collectors: An Example

Here’s an example of an image divided into smaller fragments in the form of NFTs. Although the artist chose to upload a lower-quality image in this case, the possibilities are much greater. Thanks to advanced technologies, images can be uploaded with sizes up to 70 MB and resolutions reaching 120,000 pixels. This means that an image divided into 10,000 NFTs can maintain very high quality.

Such an approach has many advantages for both artists and collectors. For artists, it offers a chance for wider distribution of their works. At the same time, it maintains a high level of detail and quality. For collectors, it presents an opportunity to invest in pieces of art. This is done in a more accessible way. There is no need to purchase the entire image. Moreover, the high quality of these ‘miniature’ fragments makes each NFT an attractive and valuable element of a collection.

It’s also worth noting that the higher the quality of the image, the more it can influence its value on the secondary market. The better the quality, the greater the interest from collectors, which in turn can lead to an increase in price. Ultimately, this technology opens up new horizons for the world of art. It also impacts investing in art. This allows both creators and investors to take full advantage of the digital era.

Similarities and Differences


Both of these models democratize investing. They make assets available to a broader range of people. Previously, these people couldn’t access them due to high financial barriers.


Both RWA and Real World Art have the potential to generate profits, but the valuation mechanisms may differ. For RWAs, the value is often tied to the market in which the asset operates. In the case of art, the value is more subjective and can be subject to short-term fluctuations.


In both cases, the investor can sell their token at any time. However, Real World Art, being art markets, might be less liquid than other types of RWAs, making it more challenging to sell.

Management and Risk

Smart contracts in the case of RWA automate many aspects of management, potentially minimizing risk. With Real World Art, risk is more frequently tied to the subjective value of the art piece and may be less predictable.

Conclusion / Real World Assets

Real World Assets and Real World Art are two fascinating approaches to investing in tangible assets in digital form. Both methods offer unique benefits and risks. However, they also open doors to a future of investing. In this future, the boundaries between “reality” and “virtuality” are becoming increasingly fluid. Are you ready for a future where you can co-own not just real estate or crops, but also pieces of art? If so, both RWA and Real World Art offer intriguing possibilities.

NFT – We don’t rely on authorities!

Create NFT, uniDecentralArt digital Martket NFT

At uniDecentralArt, we heed the voices of countless Artists and Art Enthusiasts. / NFT

There’s an Artist Inside All of Us

In the art world, the value of a piece is often gauged through the lens of well-established authorities. Artists who’ve achieved acclaim and become uncontested experts. At uniDecentralArt, our approach is different. Instead of focusing solely on the viewpoints of elite experts, we embrace the perspectives of everyone. Be it creators or art aficionados.

Democratization and Digital Transformation of Art

With the advent of Blockchain technology and the growing prominence of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), uniDecentralArt champions the democratization of art. In this digital age, every artist—regardless of their creation space or tools. Has an avenue to contribute their unique voice to the art realm. Whether it’s in an attic, alleys, or the virtual world, every expressive form holds value in the age of trading unique and immutable NFT tokens.

FLYING / Ewa Krzywinska

Valuing the Art Enthusiasts

But it’s not just artists we wish to hear from. At uniDecentralArt, we value the insights of hundreds of thousands of art enthusiasts, traders, collectors, and purchasers. After all, they are often the trendsetters, determining the worth of artworks and introducing art to a broader audience. Their feedback, desires, and expectations are pivotal in the process of creating and trading art in this digital epoch.

Aiming for Change

Our vision transcends just art. The aspiration of uniDecentralArt is to foster change. Every attempt to transform our surrounding world, whether it’s an act of kindness or an innovative Blockchain initiative. And Digital Authenticity Certificates via NFTs, is valuable. Despite challenges that might arise, it’s crucial never to give up. Because even if success isn’t immediate, the effort is always worth it.

A Shared Vision NFT (non-fungible token)

Let the voice of every artist, collector, and art lover be heard. At uniDecentralArt, we believe that together, in the age of digitization and immutable NFTs. We can not only produce pioneering artworks but also shape the future of this sector. Collectively, we can make art more accessible, democratic, and significant for all of us.

I buy art I believe in – not following the market or the masses.

I like to buy Art

Why did I choose

I buy art. In the digital age, as art becomes increasingly accessible through online platforms. Choosing where to purchase a piece has become one of the most crucial decisions for collectors and enthusiasts. For many, the primary factors are investment value, market trends, or an artist’s popularity in mainstream culture. However, for me, the decision to purchase art is driven primarily by passion, faith in a particular work, and belief in its artistic value. That’s why I opted for


There are several reasons why this platform became my go-to for purchasing art:

Decentralization operates on blockchain technology, implying decentralization. To me, this signifies fairness, transparency, and a guarantee of the authenticity of the purchased work.


Instead of following popular artists and market trends, I focus on discovering new, unknown talents. This platform offers a broad range of remarkable and original works, often overlooked in the traditional art world.


I buy art fosters a community around artists and collectors genuinely engaged in art. This allows me to share opinions, experiences, and knowledge with other enthusiasts. I buy integrity without intermediaries – the power of blockchain and NFT technology.

The contemporary art market can often be intricate, with various intermediaries and third parties influencing price, authenticity, and work availability. Many art collectors wonder if they’re paying a fair price for a piece or if hidden fees burden their purchase, benefiting different intermediaries. That’s why I turned to technology that eliminates these issues: blockchain and NFTs.

Blockchain Technology

This solution ensures that every transaction gets recorded immutably and transparently. When I purchase art through a blockchain-based platform like I’m confident that my transaction is secure, and the history of each piece is easily accessible and verifiable.

I buy art NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

This is a unique digital token representing a specific item in the virtual world. When I buy art as an NFT, I receive a digital authenticity certificate, guaranteeing I own the original work. Thanks to NFTs, artists can sell directly, ensuring more profits go to them instead of intermediaries. It’s a fairer model for artists and also gives collectors confidence they’re supporting creators directly.

I buy with integrity

For me, as a collector, blockchain and NFT technologies not only facilitate purchase but also ensure transaction integrity. No longer do I have to worry about the authenticity of a purchased piece or hidden fees. Believing in the power of these technologies, I’m convinced they represent the future of the art market, giving more power to both creators and collectors. Art for me is a passion, not merely an investment.

I’m not concerned if a particular piece doubles its value in a year or ten. I buy it because I believe in its artistic value, it moves my emotions, evokes reflections, or I simply like it. Art for me isn’t a commodity but an experience.

Vision for the Future / I buy art

I believe the future of art purchasing lies in platforms like Decentralization, authenticity, community, and passion are values that will always matter in the art world.

In conclusion, I’d like to encourage everyone to buy art with their heart, not their wallet. Explore new artists, give them a chance, and don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Because the true value of art isn’t measured in dollars but in the emotions and impressions it provides us.

Create new collection by uniDecentralArt

Unprecedented tensor NFT Project

Revolution NFT, blockchin technology. Unprecedented tensor NFT Project

Artwork on Canvas in a New Digital Form

In the tensor NFT (non-fungible tokens) world, every day brings new, innovative projects. However, not every project can capture the attention of the masses. This time, we present something truly extraordinary. Specifically, it’s a project that is not only innovative but also bridges traditional art with modern technology.

Why is this a unique project? In this initiative, oil paintings on canvas are digitized in high quality. What distinguishes this project from others is its unique approach. Specifically, each artwork is divided by the creator into up to 10,000 unique NFTs. Each of these fragments becomes an individual piece in the collection. And each one is available for purchase by collectors from all over the world. Imagine owning a piece of an original Van Gogh painting in digital form – that’s precisely the effect achieved here!

Rewards Drawn for Participation

However, the excitement doesn’t stop there. Thanks to an advanced algorithm, every buyer participates in a prize draw. Rewards are automatically paid out directly to their wallet. These rewards serve as an incentive and a thank-you for supporting this unique project. Not only do you have the chance to own a piece of an authentic work of art, but you are also rewarded for it!

The collector can list their piece of artwork in the form of an NFT for sale at any time. This allows thousands of collectors the opportunity to trade a single piece of art.

Vision for the Future

The creators of the project hope that their initiative will aid in promoting culture and art in the digital world. The opportunity to own a fragment of an original painting in the form of an NFT is groundbreaking. Consequently, it unveils entirely new possibilities for collectors and art enthusiasts. Tensor NFT

In the age of digitization and the growing popularity of NFTs, the landscape is rapidly evolving. Consequently, projects like this reshape the way we perceive value and authenticity. It’s not just a step forward for the world of crypto and technology, but also for the art world. Allowing artists and collectors to create and experience artworks in an entirely new way.

In conclusion, this NFT project represents a fusion of tradition and modernity, providing an extraordinary experience for all involved parties.

Don’t miss the chance to become a part of this revolution!

NFT Trading in the New Era: – the Future of NFT Collections

NFT Collection. Dynamic Blue, generative ART

A New Era in the NFT World / NFT trading

In the digital art world, where NFT trading is gaining significance, emerges as the platform of the future. Furthermore, through the use of NFT blockchain technology. Creators and collectors have access to innovative tools that can revolutionize the market.

NFT trading – How NFT Blockchain Shapes the Art Market isn’t just another platform for NFT trading. Instead, it’s a space where various art spheres come together to benefit from the advantages of NFT blockchain technology. Consequently, this provides artists and collectors with transparent, democratic, and decentralized opportunities in the NFT collections world..

How to Showcase and Sell Your Works

For artists: The platform serves as a venue where their works can be showcased as unique NFT collections, allowing them an honest sale and the opportunity to reach a global audience interested in NFT buying.

For collectors: Thanks to, collecting becomes simpler and more profitable. They can discover and acquire NFT collections from talents around the world, leveraging the advanced features of NFT blockchain technology.

For traders: NFT trading on the platform becomes intuitive and transparent. The ability to participate in auctions and track market trends provides them with an invaluable source of information.

Discovering and Acquiring Unique Digital Art

NFT Collections in a New Light with

In an era where the NFT world is becoming increasingly popular, platforms like play a crucial role in shaping the future of NFT collections. Consequently, by utilizing NFT blockchain technology, creators and collectors can be assured that their transactions are secure, transparent, and authenticated.

Dynamic Collection


NFT trading Conclusion

In a world where NFT trading is on the rise and the passion for creating and collecting digital art knows no bounds, becomes an essential tool. And thanks to NFT blockchain technology. The platform offers unparalleled opportunities for artists, collectors, and traders, making NFT collections more accessible and valuable than ever before.