Values in the Art World – Nobody’s Fault

Values in the Art World - Nobody's Fault

Global Productivity Growth Through Changes in Art

In the era of digital revolution, the art world is undergoing a transformation, thanks to blockchain technology and decentralized tools. This shift is not just altering how art is created and distributed but is significantly enhancing global material productivity. Artists now have unprecedented access to a worldwide audience, and the art market is becoming more inclusive and diverse. Offering opportunities that were previously unimaginable.

Ascending to a New Level While Preserving Shared Values

The transition to decentralized platforms such as uni.Decentral-Art is not a departure from the core values of art. Instead, it enriches these values with the potential for global reach and democratized access. This era is characterized by maintaining the integrity and beauty of art while embracing the technological advancements that allow for broader dissemination and engagement.

Kinsky Wienn - NFT

Material Forces Undergoing a Transformation

The traditional powerhouses of the art world, such as galleries and auction houses. Are witnessing a shift in their roles and significance. They continue to play a vital part. But their functions are evolving in response to the digitalization of the art market. This evolution paves the way for innovative business models and strategies that align with the changing dynamics of art trade and consumption.

The New Ideology of NFTs and Decentralized Tools

The integration of blockchain and NFTs into the art world introduces a new layer of ideology. These technologies ensure transparency, immutable transaction history, and authenticity verification, revolutionizing how artworks are perceived, valued, and traded. They also foster stronger connections between artists and audiences, as each purchase becomes a more personal and direct transaction.

The Shifting Balance of Values

With the growing embrace of decentralized technologies, traditional local art values are being redefined. While they continue to hold significance. They are increasingly making way for new, global approaches that emphasize the democratization of art access and the equality of opportunity for artists worldwide.

Core Values: Art, Transparency, Originality

In the NFT and blockchain world, art remains the primary value, but it is now joined by transparency and originality. These aspects are secured through technology, ensuring the authenticity and uniqueness of each artwork. NFTs ensure that each piece of art is one-of-a-kind, with a clear and indisputable history from creator to current owner.

uni.Decentral-Art: A New Era in the Art World / Q&A

The uni.Decentral-Art platform marks the beginning of a new era in the art world. Anabling artists to enter the global art market on their own terms. This platform allows artists to bypass the traditional gallery and auction house system. Reaching their audience directly, selling their work, and receiving fair compensation. This represents a significant step towards the democratization of the art world. Values in the Art World.

Pump and Dump ART – it’s impossible!

Pump and dump token ART

In today’s times, investing in cryptocurrencies is becoming increasingly popular, especially when projects offer unique solutions and innovations. One such project is the ART token, which stands out not only for its name but also for its unique distribution method, eliminating the risk of so-called “Pump and Dump.” It’s worth taking a closer look at what makes the ART token special and why investing in it might be attractive.

Unique Distribution Structure

One of the key aspects that sets the ART token apart from other cryptocurrency projects is the way it was designed and introduced to the market. The key phrase is. “There will be no Pump and Dump for the ART token – There won’t be because it’s not possible.” But why?

The distribution of the ART token has been carefully planned to prevent market manipulation and sudden price fluctuations. A total of 1,972,250,000 ART tokens are available in the public sale, divided into 8 phases, two of which are pre-sale phases. However, that’s not all, as there is also the opportunity to participate in the pre-sale phase. Where ART tokens can be acquired at a lower, promotional price.

Pump and Dump: Threat in the Cryptocurrency Market

“Pump and Dump” is a manipulative strategy often employed in the cryptocurrency market. Its aim is to artificially inflate the price of assets to later sell them at a profit. This process typically begins with mass urging of investors to purchase a particular asset, leading to a rapid increase in its value. Subsequently, when the price reaches the intended level, the initiators of the strategy sell their assets, causing a sudden drop in value. The remaining investors who joined the surge incur losses, while the manipulators make profits.

Pump and dump ART token Is'nt inpossible

Why is the ART Token Not Vulnerable to Pump and Dump ART?

In the case of the ART token, the project creators have taken significant measures to avoid the threat associated with “Pump and Dump.” By implementing a unique distribution structure, they limit the potential for market manipulation and abrupt price spikes. There are several key elements that contribute to this protection:

  1. Limited Token Supply. The total number of ART tokens available in the market is strictly defined and divided into pre-sale and public sale stages. This quantitative limitation hinders price manipulation by artificially increasing demand.
  2. Pre-Sale Stage Strategy. The pre-sale stages are designed to allow various investor groups to participate in the project. This design ensures that price manipulation at one stage does not directly impact subsequent phases, eliminating the possibility of sudden increases and decreases.
  3. Automatic Launch of Subsequent Phases. The automated process ensures a smooth token distribution. It launches successive phases after the completion of previous ones, eliminating the risk of sudden price spikes.s. This restricts market manipulation by controlling the pace of introducing new tokens to the market.
  4. Transparency in DEX Price Setting. While token prices on DEX exchanges are set by the project creators within specified price ranges. After the completion of all pre-sale tokens, prices are released. This eliminates manual interventions and gives the market the freedom to shape prices.

All these measures aim to create a stable and secure distribution structure, minimizing the risk of market manipulation. The pursuit of fair and sustainable investment becomes a crucial element in the context of the ART project. And the unique distribution model serves as protection against potential threats associated with “Pump and Dump.”

Pre-Sale Phase: Acquire Tokens at a Favorable Price

The pre-sale phase is particularly attractive for investors who want to acquire ART tokens at the best price. It’s essential to be aware that this phase is divided into several stages, with a limited number of tokens available at each. Therefore, if you value favorable conditions, it’s not advisable to wait too long. A detailed table of phases and prices is available here. And it’s important to note that the phases are not time-limited. The automatic launch of the next phase after the completion of the previous one ensures a constant supply of tokens.

Diversity of Pre-Sale Stages

The first stage of the pre-sale presents an opportunity to acquire ART tokens. In this pool, there are 25,000,000 AET at a rate of 1 ART = 0.01 matic. Upon the conclusion of this stage, the second stage commences, where a total of 450,000,000 ART. Is available with an exchange rate of 1 ART = 0.012 matic. Subsequent pre-sale stages have their unique exchange rates, making the investment dynamic and appealing to various investor groups.

Pump and Dump ART Phase I Presale list

Phase Two: Public Sale with Progressive Prices

After the conclusion of the first pre-sale phase, the ART token enters the second phase, which is the public sale. This phase is divided into six stages, with token prices increasing from 0.032 MATIC to 0.29 MATIC. A new stage begins automatically after the completion of the previous one, meaning investors have additional opportunities to purchase tokens. Following this phase, ART tokens will be available on DEX exchanges, enabling further interaction with the market.

Pump and Dump ART - Phase II presale list

Setting Prices on DEX: Manual or Automatic?

The price of tokens on DEX exchanges is set by the project creators within specified price ranges for each stage. This is why an alert about manual price setting appears on the Coingecko terminal. However, after the sale of all pre-sale tokens, prices will be released. Eliminating manual interventions and providing the market with freedom.

Summary – Why Invest in the ART Token?

The ART token is not just a piece of cryptocurrency. It represents an innovative approach to distribution, eliminating the risk of Pump and Dump. With precisely planned pre-sale and public sale stages, investors have a unique opportunity to acquire ART tokens advantageously. It’s worth keeping an eye on the project’s development. Especially as its concept seems to address challenges related to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

Whether you are an experienced investor or just starting your journey with cryptocurrencies, the ART token certainly captures attention. However, always remember to thoroughly analyze projects before investing. While the phrase “There will be no Pump and Dump” sounds promising. It doesn’t exempt us from the responsibility of researching and understanding all aspects of a given project.

If You have Questions Q&A you’ll find answers

Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token

Where to Buy Art Token

Analysis and Perspectives

Introduction Decentral ART, also known as Decentral ART Token, has recently become one of the hottest topics in the art market. Its dynamic growth over the last 24 hours has caught the attention of investors worldwide. In this article, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon, analyzing key aspects and perspectives of this decentralized token.

Trading – Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token

“If you are considering purchasing or trading the Decentral ART crypto token. It’s worth noting that this can be done on decentralized exchanges. Alternatively, if you want to buy it to trade artworks on the platform. One of the most popular trading platforms for Decentral ART is Uniswap. Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token Here, investors gather to exchange their cryptocurrencies and participate in dynamic market movements. You can also buy Art tokens in the Presale here: at the first-hand selling price.

Highest Market Price

$0.0081 On November 8, 2023, the highest price for the Decentral ART token was recorded at an impressive $0.0081. This event is significant, suggesting the potential for growth and profits associated with this cryptocurrency. This price adds a new dimension of excitement around Decentral ART, capturing the attention of investors.

Art Token buy VISA MASTERCARD. Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token

Perspectives and Analysis

The increase in Decentral ART prices over 24 hours undoubtedly increases investor interest. However, before deciding to invest, it is recommended to thoroughly examine the project, understand its goals, and future development plans. It is also crucial to approach with caution, recognizing that the cryptocurrency market is volatile.


The dynamic growth of the Decentral ART token has made it a hot topic in the cryptocurrency market. Its highest price of $0.0081 on November 8, 2023, raises hopes for future potential. For investors seeking new opportunities, Decentral ART may be an interesting asset, but caution and careful market analysis are always advised. Let’s eagerly await the next events in the cryptocurrency market because in this world, something is always happening!

Svietka NFT oil Painting


Svietka The Art and Math Behind a Collectible Masterpiece”

In today’s blog post, I would like to share with you the extraordinary story of an artwork titled “Svietka.” It’s more than just a painting; it’s also a fascinating mathematical experiment that combines traditional oil painting with the modern world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Let’s explore the mathematical aspects of this remarkable tale.

Price and Rewards

The artist priced “Svietka NFT oil Painting” at a whopping 1,000,000 ART, where 1 ART is worth $0.0052. Initially, this may seem like a relatively low price, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Why? Because the artist added a 1000% bonus to the price, increasing the total prize pool to 11,000,000 ART.

For the first collector who purchases one NFT token, a 50% reward is expected, which amounts to 2,364,532 ART. What makes this special is that the price of the second NFT is 3% higher compared to the first.

Purchase Costs

The first token costs 5,418,719 ART, while the second one costs 5,581,280 ART. If we were to think only about the purchase costs, it might seem like the second token is slightly more expensive. However, this is just the beginning of the story.

Actual Expenditure:

To find out how much the actual purchase of both tokens for the winning collector will be, we need to consider both the purchase costs and the rewards. After acquiring both tokens, the winner receives a 50% reward, which amounts to 2,364,532 ART, as well as an additional reward of 7,635,467 ART for owning both tokens.

In the end, the actual cost of purchasing both tokens, taking these rewards into account, is only 659,172.5 ART.

Considerations Regarding Two Collectors

The situation in which two collectors each bought Svietka NFT oil Painting one NFT token from the work “Svietka” is also interesting and opens up many scenarios. Here are a few possible considerations:

  1. Competition for the Second Token: Both collectors acquired tokens when the price of the first was lower and the second was slightly more expensive. Now, both may compete to purchase the second token to obtain the complete artwork. This might lead to an increase in the price of the second token, as both understand that only one of them can win the reward for owning both tokens.
  2. Increased Value of the Artwork: If both collectors hold onto their tokens, the entire artwork becomes more valuable as there are fewer tokens available on the market. This could attract other collectors who want to join the game, increasing the value of each existing token.
  3. Collector vs. Collector Rivalry: There is a possibility that both collectors might try to strike a deal or agreement to purchase one from the other. This opens another layer of negotiations that could influence the price and value of both tokens.
  4. The Ultimate Showdown: If both collectors acquire both tokens, they may compete for the substantial reward for owning the entire artwork. This competition might draw the attention of other collectors and make “Svietka” even more desirable and valuable in the market.

These scenarios show that the NFT collector market is full of unexpected twists and turns. For collectors acquiring these unique works, there are many opportunities for exciting gameplay and art investment, where both mathematics and a passion for art influence the final outcome.

NFT – A Revolution in the World of Tradition and Technology

Saturday, October 7, 2023, 18:30

A Day of Emotions and Discoveries

Another thrilling day at the fair has come to a close. Despite our physical exhaustion, our emotional energy is at its peak! Starting at 11:00 AM, we kick off another round of discussions with gallery representatives and artists.

The Timeless Institution of Art

When we speak of the traditional world of art, we envision an institution anchored in centuries of tradition – steadfast and unyielding. Yet today, we witness how modernity not only “knocks” but vehemently “bashes” on the doors of this timeless institution. And surprisingly, it often meets indifference or resistance.

The Divide between Tradition and Modernity

When we broach the topic of NFTs and innovation in art, we frequently hear, “This isn’t for us.” But why? Is it that technology doesn’t understand art, or perhaps art doesn’t understand technology? Are we speaking different languages? Isn’t art supposed to be an open door? Yet, it seems it’s not.

The Beacon of Hope Modern Artists

Fortunately, we also meet artists open to innovation, ready to cross the boundaries of tradition. Such individuals fill us with optimism and hope for the future.

We don’t stop; we don’t pay heed to obstacles. We move forward, confident that our direction is beneficial for the evolution of art. Now, we only wait for the rest of the world to grasp this and join us. The artistic aura of these places is tinged with curiosity but also a certain skepticism towards novelty.

Bridging Two Worlds The Role of Technology in Art

It’s undeniable that the technological breakthrough – blockchain and NFTs – affects every facet of our lives. In art, a realm considered for centuries as an unchanged bastion of tradition, introducing modernity seems exceptionally challenging. It’s a clash of two worlds, one honoring traditions and another pushing towards the future.

The Evolution Artists and Curators Adapting

Observing artists and curators, we notice a pattern. Those embracing technology don’t lose their traditional art approach but expand its horizons. They use technology as a tool for exploration, discovery, and conveying their visions in fresh ways.

The Need for Education A New Era of Artistry

Throughout our fair discussions, we perceived a demand for tech education within the art context. Many traditional artists seem lost facing new tools and possibilities. Herein lies our mission – to build bridges between the old and new eras, aiding in comprehension and adaptation.

Fair Highlights A Blend of Old and New

So, with full optimism, we step into the afternoon segment of the fair, geared up for more discussions, experience exchanges, and foremost, promoting the NFT idea that modernity and tradition can coexist, crafting something truly unique.

The day at the fair brought a gamut of emotions – euphoria from fruitful discussions, hope for new opportunities, and a hint of regret that this festival of art innovation and tradition is so fleeting.

Our Commitment to the Art World

In this context, our mission became even more paramount. We discovered many artists eager to delve into new technologies. The challenge is their lack of access to the right knowledge and understanding of its integration into their creative process.

Looking Ahead Bridging Gaps and Building Futures

As the day concluded, we felt profound gratitude. It was a day packed with inspiration, learning, and the merging of two seemingly distant worlds. One thing’s for sure – whether you’re a traditionalist, innovator, or somewhere in between, hubs for art enthusiasts like Fair For Art in Vienna, and platforms like uni.Decentral-Art will always welcome you.

$ART Liquidity Surges 450% Amid NFT Art Boom

World Art boom NFT

Liquidity of the $ART Token Increases by 450% on the Platform

Amid NFT Art Boom! Recent days have brought significant changes to the digital NFT art market. In particular, the platform has shown a tremendous increase in interest in this innovative form of art investment. Liquidity of the $ART token surged by 450%. This proves investors and collectors see the potential of this digital currency.

Record art trading

Undeniable evidence of the growing interest in digitized NFT art is that trade on the platform reached a value of $450,000 in just a few days. This means that a staggering 88,235,000 ART flowed through it. Trade on the platform reached $450,000 in a few days. This equates to a staggering 88,235,000 ART flowing through it. Observers familiar with the NFT market understand that digital art is more than just a trend; it’s a stable investment.

Why is digital NFT art drawing attention?

Digital NFT artworks attract not only collectors but also investors looking for alternative forms of capital allocation. Digital art offers several benefits:

  1. Uniqueness – Each NFT piece is unique, ensuring that the investment cannot be counterfeited or copied.
  2. Transaction simplicity – Thanks to blockchain technology, purchasing, selling, or exchanging artworks becomes fast and transparent.
  3. Accessibility – NFT art is available to anyone, regardless of location, opening the market to a global audience.

Future of the NFT market and $ART

The liquidity of the $ART token surged by 450% quickly. This shows the digital NFT art market’s strength. More people recognize the investment potential in these unique works. The platform is a key trading hub for them. Amid NFT Art Boom!

Dive into to explore the forefront of digital art innovation and investment opportunities.:

This is also a signal for artists and creators that the digital future of art is already here and that they should consider transforming their traditional works into unique NFT tokens.

n conclusion, the digitized NFT art market is full of opportunities. The growth in the liquidity of the $ART token confirms that we are witnessing a revolution in the world of art and investment.

I buy art I believe in – not following the market or the masses.

I like to buy Art

Why did I choose

I buy art. In the digital age, as art becomes increasingly accessible through online platforms. Choosing where to purchase a piece has become one of the most crucial decisions for collectors and enthusiasts. For many, the primary factors are investment value, market trends, or an artist’s popularity in mainstream culture. However, for me, the decision to purchase art is driven primarily by passion, faith in a particular work, and belief in its artistic value. That’s why I opted for


There are several reasons why this platform became my go-to for purchasing art:

Decentralization operates on blockchain technology, implying decentralization. To me, this signifies fairness, transparency, and a guarantee of the authenticity of the purchased work.


Instead of following popular artists and market trends, I focus on discovering new, unknown talents. This platform offers a broad range of remarkable and original works, often overlooked in the traditional art world.


I buy art fosters a community around artists and collectors genuinely engaged in art. This allows me to share opinions, experiences, and knowledge with other enthusiasts. I buy integrity without intermediaries – the power of blockchain and NFT technology.

The contemporary art market can often be intricate, with various intermediaries and third parties influencing price, authenticity, and work availability. Many art collectors wonder if they’re paying a fair price for a piece or if hidden fees burden their purchase, benefiting different intermediaries. That’s why I turned to technology that eliminates these issues: blockchain and NFTs.

Blockchain Technology

This solution ensures that every transaction gets recorded immutably and transparently. When I purchase art through a blockchain-based platform like I’m confident that my transaction is secure, and the history of each piece is easily accessible and verifiable.

I buy art NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

This is a unique digital token representing a specific item in the virtual world. When I buy art as an NFT, I receive a digital authenticity certificate, guaranteeing I own the original work. Thanks to NFTs, artists can sell directly, ensuring more profits go to them instead of intermediaries. It’s a fairer model for artists and also gives collectors confidence they’re supporting creators directly.

I buy with integrity

For me, as a collector, blockchain and NFT technologies not only facilitate purchase but also ensure transaction integrity. No longer do I have to worry about the authenticity of a purchased piece or hidden fees. Believing in the power of these technologies, I’m convinced they represent the future of the art market, giving more power to both creators and collectors. Art for me is a passion, not merely an investment.

I’m not concerned if a particular piece doubles its value in a year or ten. I buy it because I believe in its artistic value, it moves my emotions, evokes reflections, or I simply like it. Art for me isn’t a commodity but an experience.

Vision for the Future / I buy art

I believe the future of art purchasing lies in platforms like Decentralization, authenticity, community, and passion are values that will always matter in the art world.

In conclusion, I’d like to encourage everyone to buy art with their heart, not their wallet. Explore new artists, give them a chance, and don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Because the true value of art isn’t measured in dollars but in the emotions and impressions it provides us.

Create new collection by uniDecentralArt