Anticipating the Future of ART Token

Pre-Sale Phases and Pricing Strategy

Introduction to the Upcoming ART Token

The ART token is set to make waves in the Uniswap ecosystem through a carefully structured pre-sale event designed to empower early adopters and smoothly transition through various stages of market entry. This article takes a closer look at the pricing increments slated for each stage and unpacks the strategy behind this intriguing token launch.

Anticipating the Future of ART Token

Stage I: The Kickoff

In the first phase, Stage I, the ART token was offered at 0.01 MATIC, with the entirety of the 25,000,000 ART allocated for this phase already completely sold out. This initial sell-out serves as a testament to the ART token’s compelling entry into the market and sets a solid foundation for its future stages.

Anticipating the Future of ART Token

Stage II: Building Momentum

The pre-sale is expected to progress to Stage II, where the price will see an increase to 0.012 MATIC per ART. This 20% increase from the first stage is poised to keep the momentum going while still offering attractive pricing for new investors.

Phase II Stages: Controlled Appreciation

From the outset of the pre-sale, an ART/MATIC pool will be available on the DEX Uniswap, allowing investors to trade the ART tokens they acquire. This move is aimed at building trust within the community and preventing a potential ‘rug pull,’ ensuring that investors can have confidence in the token’s liquidity and longevity.


Ensuring a Robust Trading Environmen

As the pre-sale moves into its second phase, which encompasses six stages, the price is set to rise from 0.032 MATIC to 0.29 MATIC per ART. This phase signifies a future where the ART token’s valuation will progressively climb, reflecting the project’s maturation and the growing trust of its investor base.

The Deliberate Climb

Throughout Phase II, investors will witness methodical price increments, including a significant 166.67% rise as it enters the first stage. Subsequent stages will exhibit increases of 31.25%, 23.81%, 23.08%, and 32.81%, leading up to a considerable 241.18% increase into the final stage.

Anticipating the Future of ART Token
  • Stage I to Stage II: 20.00%
  • Stage II to Phase II Stage 1: 166.67%
  • Phase II Stage 1 to Phase II Stage 2: 31.25%
  • Phase II Stage 2 to Phase II Stage 3: 23.81%
  • Phase II Stage 3 to Phase II Stage 4: 23.08%
  • Phase II Stage 4 to Phase II Stage 5: 32.81%
  • Phase II Stage 5 to Phase II Stage 6: 241.18%

The Culmination: Setting the Stage for Public Trading

The concluding price jump into Phase II, Stage 6, will mark a total increase of 2800% from the initial price in Stage I. This striking progression underscores the token’s escalating value and sets a stage of anticipation for its full-fledged introduction to public trading.


A Strategic Rollout for Stability and Growth

The cascading pre-sale structure of the ART token is deliberately designed to protect against volatile spikes and dips—commonly known as ‘Pump and Dump‘—thereby safeguarding the interests of its holders. The ultimate goal of the team is not merely the sale of the ART token but fostering a robust trading environment for art pieces on their platform. The strategic pre-sale stages are not only about selling tokens; they’re about establishing a stable, trustworthy marketplace that will benefit artists, investors, and the broader community for years to come. Q&A

Airdrop – A Journey into Digital Art and NFTs

Airdrop: A Journey into Digital Art and NFTs

“Imagination Unleashed”

The “Imagination Unleashed” Airdrop, reminiscent of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s unique style. Offers a rare chance for enthusiasts of the digital art realm and blockchain aficionados to enhance their collections with exclusive NFT tokens. This special event will distribute 100 free NFTs randomly via the tool at, with additional NFTs available for purchase.

Click on the image and register
Click on the image and register wallet

Participation Made Simple

To get involved, ERC-20 wallet holders simply need to sign up with their email and wallet address on the provided Google Docs form. From there, the multi-transfer tool will randomly bestow NFTs to 100 fortunate recipients.

Go to collection

Early Purchase Rewards

Significant ART token rewards are in store for those who act early. As participants buy into the collection, they become eligible for various levels of smart contract-based rewards, amplifying the excitement of the airdrop event.

Exponential Price Increase in Remaining NFTs

It is crucial to note that the price of each NFT will exponentially increase by 3% with each subsequent token. Therefore, those looking to purchase the last 24 NFTs, ranging from #100 to #124, should consider this progressive pricing strategy when planning their purchases. This could significantly impact the overall cost and potential rewards of collecting these NFTs.

The Secondary Market and Profit Opportunities

NFTs acquired from the airdrop can be sold on the secondary market at any chosen price point, offering an avenue for profit and increased liquidity through platforms like Metamask and other DEXs.

Conclusion: Embrace the World of NFT

By joining the “Imagination Unleashed” Airdrop, you become part of an innovative movement in digital art, with the opportunity to obtain unique tokens and possibly earn significant rewards in ART tokens, including the grand prize triggered by the purchase of the last NFT, #124. This event is not just about collecting art; it’s about being at the forefront of a digital transformation.

Transforming Iconic Characters into NFTs with Rewards

Transforming Iconic Characters into NFTs with Rewards

Unleashing Creativity!

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital art, a new collection has sparked a conversation that bridges nostalgia with the pioneering world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). The collection in question? A series of artworks that reimagine classic characters with a modern, artistic twist.

A Kaleidoscope of Nostalgia and Art

As we delve into this vibrant collection, we’re greeted by familiar faces rendered in bold, expressive strokes and splashes of color that seem to dance off the canvas. These pieces are more than mere representations; they are a celebration of the characters’ legacy, re-envisioned through the lens of contemporary street art.

Transforming Iconic Characters into NFTs with Rewards
Garfield - Transforming Iconic Characters into NFTs with Rewards

Happy Faces and Colorful Places

The first artwork in the collection features a jubilant Garfield, the lasagna-loving feline, with a speech bubble proudly declaring, “This is my happy face.” The background is a kaleidoscope of dripping hues, creating a visual feast that’s both chaotic and harmoniously balanced. It’s a representation of happiness that’s unapologetically loud and uncontained.

Cool Vibes and Urban Tribes

Next, we encounter a piece that showcases a stylized version of the iconic beagle, Snoopy. Dressed in a shirt labeled “JOE,” he stands against a backdrop that’s a frenzied patchwork of images and colors, resembling the cacophony of a bustling city. This artwork captures the essence of Snoopy’s alter ego. “Joe Cool,” with a skateboard in tow, hinting at a persona that’s ever-adaptable and effortlessly cool.

Minting a New Future for Art

Engaging discussions have emerged around these artworks, centering on whether these creative interpretations should be minted as NFTs with rewards. This idea is captivating for a multitude of reasons. It suggests a novel way of connecting with art. Blending the allure of digital collectibility with the promise of exclusive benefits. Minting these pieces could offer a fresh dimension to the art market. Where each token represents not just ownership but a stake in a cultural legacy turned digital

Joe - Transforming Iconic Characters into NFTs with Rewards

Interactivity and Ownership

Secondly, incorporating rewards could add an interactive element to the ownership experience. Imagine acquiring an NFT and receiving exclusive access to a digital art gallery. Iimited edition prints, or even a physical rendition of the artwork. It’s an approach that could redefine the relationship between artist, artwork, and collector.

Digital Scarcity and the Value of Art

The potential to mint these artworks as NFTs also opens up discussions about digital scarcity, the value of art. And the role of technology in shaping the art market. It’s a narrative that’s at the heart of the NFT revolution. Where the digital representation of art is not merely a copy, but an original piece in its own right.

A Cultural Moment in the Digital Age

The dialogue sparked by these pieces is a testament to the power of art to inspire and provoke. As the conversation unfolds on social media platforms, with enthusiasts and skeptics weighing in, the community’s engagement is palpable. The question of whether to mint these artworks as NFTs with rewards is more than a business propositio. It’s a cultural moment that invites us to reimagine the future of art in the digital age.

Transforming Iconic Characters into NFTs with Rewards

The Intersection of Art and Technology

As we ponder the possibilities, one thing is clear: the intersection of art and technology is fertile ground for innovation. Whether these artworks will take on a new life as NFTs with rewards remains to be seen. What is certain is that the discussion itself is a reflection of a society that’s increasingly intertwined with the digital realm. Where art continues to evolve and inspire, one pixel at a time – Q&A

Innovative Smart Contract Example ERC404

Innovative Smart Contract Example ERC404

The Future of


In the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, innovation is the key to success., a platform known for its commitment to digital art and cryptocurrencies, has recently adopted a new smart contract named “ExampleERC404”. Developed in Solidity, this contract leverages advanced smart contract functionalities to revolutionize how creators and art collectors interact with digital tokens.

What is ExampleERC404?

ExampleERC404 is a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain that combines ERC20 and ERC721 token standards. This unique approach allows for more complex interactions with tokens. The contract is implemented using OpenZeppelin libraries, ensuring security and stability.

Key Features and Advantages

  1. Hybrid Token Functionality: By combining ERC20 and ERC721, ExampleERC404 enables the issuance of both standard exchangeable tokens and unique collector’s tokens (NFTs).
  2. Airdrop with Merkle Claim Mechanism: The airdrop feature using a Merkle tree provides a fair and secure way to distribute tokens.
  3. Flexibility in TokenURI: The ability to easily customize token URLs, crucial in the digital art world.
  4. Security and Management: With functions like onlyOwner and whenAirdropIsOpen, the contract ensures controlled and secure operations.

Future Applications on

  1. Innovative Art Exhibitions: The platform can use this contract to create unique, collectible artworks as ERC721 tokens, while having standard ERC20 tokens for more traditional transactions.
  2. Development of the Digital Art Market: With the combination of ERC20 and ERC721, artists and collectors are faced with a range of new possibilities in trading and collecting art.
  3. Fair Airdrops for the Community: The Merkle Claim mechanism in airdrops can be used to promote artists and their works, reaching out to a broad community in a fair manner.
  4. Flexibility in Artwork Presentation: The ability to customize token URLs allows creators greater control over how their works are presented online.


The ExampleERC404 smart contract opens up new possibilities for, merging the world of art with advanced blockchain technology. Its unique functionality and security make it a significant step forward in the field of digital art and collecting. We are witnessing the birth of a new era in the digital art world, where blockchain technology plays a crucial role in defining the future of this exciting industry

ERC404: A New Chapter in Blockchain and Digital Art


Introducing ERC404

The ERC404 is the latest token standard within the Ethereum ecosystem, representing an evolution from the well-known ERC721. It is a smart contract designed for the creation, issuance, and management of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Unlike its predecessor, ERC404 introduces additional functionalities and mechanisms allowing for more complex interactions between tokens and their holders, such as fractional ownership, advanced copyright features, and the ability to create more complex digital ecosystems.


The Benefits of ERC404

ERC404 paves the way for new possibilities in the digital art and collectibles space. It enables, for instance, the division of an artwork into smaller, fractional NFTs, democratizing investment in art and allowing multiple users to hold a piece of the original work. With the adoption of ERC404, creators can also implement intricate revenue models, like earning a percentage from secondary sales. This potential makes ERC404 a transformative force in the digital art market, making it more accessible and profitable.

Implementing ERC404 at uniDecentralArt

uniDecentralArt is adopting ERC404 as the foundation of its ecosystem. By integrating this standard, uniDecentralArt is committing to innovation in the digital art sector, offering creators and collectors tools for creating, buying, and selling NFTs in more integrated and flexible ways than ever before. The implementation of ERC404 will establish a new arena for artists and investors where both can benefit from a secure and transparent market.

uni.Decentral-ArtFuture with ERC404

Embracing ERC404 is more than just a step forward for uniDecentralArt; it’s a vision for a future where blockchain and NFTs converge to revolutionize perceptions of ownership and value in the digital world. ERC404 will enable uniDecentralArt to become a leader in digital art collecting, opening up new opportunities for artists and collectors worldwide.

Every word in this article is a step towards a future where art and technology coexist in harmony, creating new values and experiences for all market participants. With the implementation of ERC404, uniDecentralArt is not just following trends but actively participating in shaping the future of digital art.

From ERC721 to ERC404: uniDecentralArt Journey

Before ERC404 came into play, uniDecentralArt was pioneering with ERC721 contracts to create unique NFT collections. The platform made its mark in the market, enabling users to collect and trade digital art pieces. This 1.5-year journey with ERC721 contracts has provided invaluable experience and know-how, which we are now leveraging for even faster development.

This rich experience allows us to understand the nuances of the digital art market and quickly adapt to its evolving dynamics. Our transition from ERC721 to ERC404 is a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation.


Customizing ERC404 / Fork on Github

In our pursuit of continuous development and customization, we’ve initiated a fork of ERC404, accessible on Github at This fork will be tailored specifically for the uniDecentralArt platform, enabling better integration with our existing systems and delivering unique functionalities that our community desires.

Adapting ERC404 to our specific needs will introduce non-standard features such as special voting protocols for fractional NFT owners and advanced copyright management options. This customization will not only ease the user experience on our platform but also provide greater flexibility in creating and managing digital art collections.

Through this process, uniDecentralArt intends to maintain full transparency and encourages collaboration from developers and users alike, inviting the community to contribute to the evolution, suggest changes, and refine the code. Our Github fork stands as an open invitation to the community to participate in the development, embodying our principles of openness and collaboration in the blockchain space. Q & A

Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token

Where to Buy Art Token

Analysis and Perspectives

Introduction Decentral ART, also known as Decentral ART Token, has recently become one of the hottest topics in the art market. Its dynamic growth over the last 24 hours has caught the attention of investors worldwide. In this article, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon, analyzing key aspects and perspectives of this decentralized token.

Trading – Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token

“If you are considering purchasing or trading the Decentral ART crypto token. It’s worth noting that this can be done on decentralized exchanges. Alternatively, if you want to buy it to trade artworks on the platform. One of the most popular trading platforms for Decentral ART is Uniswap. Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token Here, investors gather to exchange their cryptocurrencies and participate in dynamic market movements. You can also buy Art tokens in the Presale here: at the first-hand selling price.

Highest Market Price

$0.0081 On November 8, 2023, the highest price for the Decentral ART token was recorded at an impressive $0.0081. This event is significant, suggesting the potential for growth and profits associated with this cryptocurrency. This price adds a new dimension of excitement around Decentral ART, capturing the attention of investors.

Art Token buy VISA MASTERCARD. Dynamic Growth of Decentral ART Token

Perspectives and Analysis

The increase in Decentral ART prices over 24 hours undoubtedly increases investor interest. However, before deciding to invest, it is recommended to thoroughly examine the project, understand its goals, and future development plans. It is also crucial to approach with caution, recognizing that the cryptocurrency market is volatile.


The dynamic growth of the Decentral ART token has made it a hot topic in the cryptocurrency market. Its highest price of $0.0081 on November 8, 2023, raises hopes for future potential. For investors seeking new opportunities, Decentral ART may be an interesting asset, but caution and careful market analysis are always advised. Let’s eagerly await the next events in the cryptocurrency market because in this world, something is always happening!

Unlock Crypto Earning Potential

Earning Art crypto potential DecentralArt

Explore Decentralized Art with Uni Decentral Art

Are you passionate Crypto Earning about art and looking for a way to connect with the global art community while also earning some extra income? If so, you’re in the right place! Welcome to Uni Decentral Art, where you can dive into the world of modern art. And unlock an array of exciting opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore how Uni Decentral Art offers a unique platform for art enthusiasts to engage with decentralized art and earn money in the process.

Decentral Art Crypto Earning

The Power of Decentralized Art

Uni Decentral Art is a platform that empowers art lovers to immerse themselves in the vibrant world of decentralized art. This innovative platform allows you to build your own network of collectors and followers, all while enjoying the advantages of a decentralized art community.

Earning Opportunities

But what sets Uni Decentral Art apart is its enticing earning opportunities. By simply referring our platform to others and sharing your personal link. You automatically become part of our profit-sharing community, essentially creating your own virtual art gallery. Every time someone makes a transaction using your unique link, you’ll instantly earn a 2% commission. This means that the same artwork can be presented in multiple places around the world, allowing anyone to acquire or trade it in the form of an NFT token.

Writing About Art

Earning with Uni Decentral Art doesn’t stop at referrals. You can also monetize your passion for art by writing articles about it. Share your insights, thoughts, and recommendations on art and artists from the Uni Decentral Art platform. By using your articles and referral links, you can receive a 2% commission on every transaction made through the links you generate. The more people you engage with your art-related content, the more you can earn from an endless stream of transactions.

Affiliate Reward System / Crypto Earning

As part of our affiliate reward system, you’ll receive commissions on every transaction made using your unique link. We’re proud to announce that we’ve already distributed substantial rewards, with the total amount exceeding $19,000 to date. So, you can rest assured that your dedication and efforts will be duly rewarded.

Seamless Transactions

You might be wondering about the technical aspects of managing multiple transactions. Don’t worry! Uni Decentral Art is equipped with a smart contract. That facilitates the simultaneous processing of numerous transactions without requiring human intervention. This means you can focus on promoting art and pursuing your dreams of both artistic and financial success.

Join the Uni Decentral Art Community

Ready to take the plunge into the world of decentralized modern art and start earning while doing what you love? Join Uni Decentral Art today! Sign up now Q&A and become a part of our creative and rewarding community. Connect with fellow art enthusiasts from around the globe and embrace the possibilities of decentralized art. Whether you’re an artist, collector, or someone who simply appreciates the beauty of art. Uni Decentral Art offers a platform that caters to your interests and rewards your efforts.

In conclusion, Uni Decentral Art is not just a platform; it’s a community where you can explore your passion for art, connect with like-minded individuals, and turn your love for art into a source of income. So, what are you waiting for? Join Uni Decentral Art and embark on a journey filled with creativity, financial success. And a world of modern art waiting to be discovered.


Be Careful with Your VISA, MASTERCARD

Be Careful with Your VISA, MASTERCARD, or Other Electronic Payment Cards!

Introduction / Card Scanning VISA MASTERCARD

The theft of payment card information has become one of the most common and growing problems related to cybersecurity. But have you ever wondered how thieves test stolen card data before deciding to use it for large, unauthorized transactions? The answer lies in techniques that are relatively unknown but very effective: testing cards through authorizations and small payments. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself against such threats.

How Card Testing Works


Card thieves use the authorization process to check if card data is valid. Authorizations are small, sometimes even unrecorded transactions, most often canceled after a few days. In practice, these authorizations are usually not visible on bank statements, making them hard to detect.


Another way to test a card is by making small payments on various websites. Donation sites or companies facilitating small-value purchases are ideal targets for card testers. If the transactions go through, the thieves can be sure that they can make larger purchases without getting caught.

Why You Should Pay Attention to Small Transactions

Card Scanning VISA MASTERCARD these are usually small transactions, especially those between $1 and $5, are often ignored by cardholders, making them an ideal target for thieves. If you notice any unknown transactions, even the smallest ones, always report them to your bank. This could be a signal that someone is attempting to test your card before making larger, unauthorized transactions on it.

What to Do If You Suspect Your Card is Being Tested?

  • Immediately Contact Your Bank: The faster you react, the lower the risk of larger theft.
  • Monitor Your Account: Regularly checking statements and account activity is key.
  • Change PIN and Passwords: Ensure your data is secure by changing all PIN codes and account passwords.
  • Activate SMS or Email Notifications: Many banks offer notification services for every transaction made on your account.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication: This is an additional layer of security that can significantly increase the safety of your account.

Advanced Security Measures on the Decentral-Art Platform

In response to the growing issue of unauthorized card tests and payments, the Decentral-Art platform has taken concrete steps to ensure transaction security for its users. We recently introduced 3D Secure technology, which is currently one of the most effective mechanisms for securing FIAT payments for ART tokens. While 3D Secure significantly elevates the level of security, it’s important to remember that no security measure offers 100% protection. That’s why we continue to encourage caution and activity monitoring on your accounts. Thanks to the security measures we’ve implemented, we’ve been able to block as many as 99.4% of unauthorized payments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our actions. But remember: security is also your responsibility.


Testing cards through small authorizations and transactions is one of the more devious ways that thieves prepare for larger thefts. That’s why it’s so important to stay vigilant and always report even the smallest, unknown transactions. Forewarned is forearmed – it’s better to prevent than to cure.